Wednesday, 19 December 2012

RESEARCH - Intertextuality


Intertextuality is the term to describe the visual referencing between films. Films tend to 'borrow' from each other, so the audience may recognise certain aspects of mise en scene, camera angles, sounds ad editing from other films.

In some thriller films, aspects of Psycho have been 'borrowed' to add more attention and effect as the shower scene from Psycho is very famous for the shots used.

The striking shots used in Psycho are the following:

  • hand towards the camera
  • dead still eye zoom out
  • shadow on shower curtain
  • close up of scream
  • shower head
  • cant see the killer
  • blood going down the plughole 
  • big knife
  • shower curtain being pulled down
Also the sound has a big influence, for example the sucking sounds of the knife, the sound of running water and the use of non diegetic music.

Here are a few examples of intertextuality from Fatal Attraction:



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