Sunday, 17 March 2013

EVALUATION: Question 1

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions for real media products?

In our thriller film opening we followed the conventional order.  The main conventions that we used in our film opening is music, titles and editing.

  • Music is used to set the mood or atmosphere of film and also helps create a certain atmosphere. 
  • Titles are also very important as it gives the audience more awareness as to who made and was in the film. This includes : production company ident, name of director, name of actors and actress and the name of the film.
  • Editing was heavily used throughout the entire clip. We wanted to create a series of specialised cuts to create drama and tension. 
Our main reference for the film opening is from 'Se7en,' we got the idea of filming different movements and generally action to build up some tension. In 'Se7en' there was also cuts of different movements and objects. The quick cuts create a very tense atmosphere. 
Our opening is very close to the opening in 'Seven' in terms of the titles and shots we used. 

However, for the soundtrack we used a low-toned mysterious sound to play throughout the opening. We used the opening of 'Enemy of the State' to compare the soundtrack. In the opening the soundtrack is fast which shows that the film is action-packed. However, we used a slower soundtrack to suggest mystery. 

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