Sunday, 17 March 2013

EVALUATION: Question 7

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

In my opinion I feel that there is a great difference between the preliminary task and the final film. One example of difference was with the research between the preliminary task and the final film opening as for the preliminary task we did not do any research at all. 
However, for the final film we had to research a lot of areas to be full prepared. 
With the preliminary task we understood the use of match cuts and how effective it can be when applied correctly. 

We also understood the concept of the 180 degree rule. The 180 degree rule states that the camera should stay on one side. The aim is to allow the filming to stay interesting, but whilst not breaking the continuity of the shots. 
To avoid confusing the audience, this rule isn't usually broken especially in cases such as a convention and action sequences. However, sometimes the rule may be broken for effect, for example, if the aim is to purposely disorientate the audience. It may also be used  to set the scene.  In our preliminary task, we decided not to break the 180 degree rule. 

During the preliminary task , another thing was that we did not put too much effort in the different shots that we wanted to use even though we created a storyboard, however after careful planning for the film opening we decided to use various number of different shots such as match cuts and rapid quick shots to create a very effective opening and too do this we created a very detailed storyboard for the final film opening. 
Another thing that we did not organise for the preliminary task was the props, we used what ever was in the room at the time. One thing, however, we did organise was the location which was in Tony's office.  
Here is the final preliminary video:
For the final film, we researched more about the genre and which sub-genre most people enjoy, we also understood the codes and conventions of a typical thriller opening. We also researched different thriller films that can help inspire us but the one that we got our inspiration was from the film'Se7en,' we really liked this opening in particular as it covered what we really wanted for our own opening. We used the stylized shots, the rapid cuts and the effects of the titles from the film 'Se7en' as it made us feel our adrenaline was increasing, creating more tension making the audience want to watch more. This what we were aiming to with our opening.
We also planned our locations and decided to go to a well-known location for example Tower Bridge. We chose this location as it is one of London's iconic location and the fact that the audience can relate to the opening.


Another great difference between the preliminary task and final film is that we thought a lot more abou the storyline for the final film and how we can add the conventions that we learnt onto our film This shows that we used our developed to create a better quality and effctive film. By planning everything and putting more effort in  our ideas we knew what w ecan do and what we had to do, for example by creating a full developed storyboard, we had a visual idea of the outlook of the overall product/ film.
Here is the rough cut of the opening of the film.
In the preliminary we used a lot of match cuts and a few close ups instead of long continous shot where the camera is following the character to their location. We used the cuts to change the the shots and keep it more interesting otherwise it seems to drag if there was no chance. During the filming, we were confident with the camera as we got everything done quickly with no problems as the shots we took was simple.

In the final film, however, we used a variety of different shots. For example, we had close ups of the surroundings of the office, the establishing shots of both of the locations, over the shoulder shots and so on. This enabled the film to look very effective and entertaining for the audience. This also shows a graet deal of development as it shows that the group became more confident around the camera and have experimented different techniques with it and was able to expand on our camera skills.

The lighting was very simple as well. For the preliminary excerise  it was a natural lighting, nothing was added, however for the final film, we used a spot light to make the office look dim and dark.  We did this to creat a mysterious atmosphere. What we did was turned off the lights, closed the blinds and focused the spot light in one area in it lowest setting.

The light made a signinfficant amount of change as for both films we used Tony's office however, in the film film, it looks like a office not Tony's office. We were able to tranform Tony's office and made it look like two different locations and this reflected well for our film as it looked really professional.
The sounds in the preliminary task was very simple, all we added was a soundtrack to play during the beginning part of the film, however, we it came to the final film, we realised that sound was the key point in our film as there is no speech. We added a soundtrack for Soundtrack Pro however we also added our own foley sounds such as the pen tapping, and typying on the computer. This was very effective as we that they were in this type of situation and the tense was increasing.  
In the preliminary task, we mainly used a lot of match cutsand cuts, as this was a very simple scene. however, in the final final there was a wide range of rapid cuts and match cuts . The transitions was also used toshow sthe journey from the office to Tower Bridge. This skills has started to expand as we started using more complex skills. This made it look more realistic and not dragging on for too long.
In the preliminary task, the mise-en-scene was not considered to be very important for the task, but also the fact that you can easily tell that the location is in the office. For the final film weplanned what type of props wewould need. Forexample, the polaroid snaps of the criminal, the brief case, the labelled map, teh case files, the outfit (red nails, red lips) and the office scenery and so on. This enabled to develop our skills as it showed that we though a lot about the outlay of the location and what we could do to make it look like a spy's office.
The titles in the preliminary task was a mixture of pink and white, this was because it the titles were black it into the background. It was very plain and dissolved in out. In the final film we planned to have whote coloured titles as it would stand out from the dark background, and would aslo ake it easier and clearer to read. The titles in the final film were played throughout the office scene as the London Bridge scenewas the narrative to the film.
Here is our fnal film

19. Amal Saleh, Korima Begum, Tahmina Islam from 283goswell on Vimeo.

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