Sunday, 17 March 2013

EVALUATION: Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Here is short clips with the reviews from our audience. The video is divided in to three sub-sections such as what they liked about the film, did the sountrack suit the film and what do we need to improve next time. 

The mise-en-scene would attract our target audience because they don't really get to see the character but they can see the surroundings which makes it very mysterious.  The storyline would also attract our audience because our sub-genre is spy thriller and this could attract them because it contains action and adventure. I felt that a well known landmarks like Tower Bridge would be a way to attract UK audience. We came up with the name 'CODE RED' because the colour red is significant to our theme of the film. 

The rough cut feedback was very important as we could see what we had to improve on and also gave us new ideas to try out.  
The videos above explains the audiences' reaction and views towards the film during the Cinema screening.

Overall, the audience enjoyed the concept of the film and the different cuts and special effects used. They also liked the soundtrack as it flowed with the opening. 
However,  we also had views that the opening dragged on for too long and this may have lost the plot or concept of the film. 

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